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'Under the Boardwalk'

I'm really pleased to be releasing my Bellingham gallery that I've been working very hard to put together. What started as a creative outlet has turned into a series of photos that I'm very proud to share with you.

The Story

For the past four months, I have been biking around Bellingham for sunrise and sunset photos. I had taken a break from my photography for the past couple of years and I wanted to 'get back into it'. So, I decided to challenge myself to find places around Bellingham and photograph them whenever I could. Being without a car had been an excuse that I made for myself the last few years to not go out and take photos. However, I decided to combine my love of biking with my love of photography.

These are the results of many early mornings and some late nights getting home. In the process of creating these images, I was amazed at how well my mental health was improving. As someone who has struggled with depression, I could almost feel those dark thoughts retreating as I went through my process of taking photos while listening to the sounds of water. I hope that these photos would be placed in your home in a spot where you process your days. It has been where I've done a lot of processing.

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